CUPCAKES just for me 🧁
Time to share another dessert tasting journey!
It has been awhile for me to enjoy some cupcakes! So I will share you the one I ate which was cupcakes from my birthday celebration 😃
Before we jump into the review, I am quite interested in knowing the cupcakes history. So I did some research from the internet. I want my reader to learn something too. (。・∀・)ノ゙
History of the CAKE ON THE CUP 📄
Cupcake originated from the American. There is no clear sign who made the first cupcake. These are the few names that I found the cupcakes are originally called. Below are list of the names
- Number cakes or 1234 cakes — because of its easy ingredient portions in making one
- Fairy cakes or Butterfly cakes — a name use in Britain as they use two pieces that resemble wings on top of it
- Patty cakes — a name use in Australia for the cupcake
Majority of the sources that I found stated that the first reference to cupcake was from 1796. It is from a recipe book, ‘American Cookery’ by Amelia Simmons which use, ‘a light cake to bake in small cups’. In 1828, another recipe book titled ‘Receipts’ by Eliza Leslie use the term cupcake.
The first mass production of cupcakes was in 1919 made by the brand Hostess which bring the cupcakes known internationally.
Alright, thats enough of history lesson. Lets dive into the cupcakes that I had
Yes, thats the cupcakes! It is nicely decorated with frosting shaped like sushi. I thought that they use real sushi on top of the cupcake. It visually looks interesting. Definitely, give this delicious vibe and people will buy the cupcake based on its appearance. (o゜▽゜)o
Like usual, I was left with only two cupcakes 😭
You must be curious about what is underneath the cupcakes. So let’s begin our surgery 😌
The base is made of chocolate sponge cake which is super good! It is not that sweet and it felt moisty. It is better if it has chocolate fillings, preferably dark chocolate. 🤭
The top frosting is extremely sweet and thick although it is aestheticly nice. However, if you eat the whole cupcake at once, the chocolate flavour helps to reduce the sweetness from the frosting. I find it delicious yet I cannot eat more of the cupcakes. Maybe I am too old for this kind of food.
So what is the verdict for the cupcakes? This is based on the visual and taste :)
I give the cupcakes 3 out of 5 cookies 🍪🍪🍪
I rate it this way because of the frosting prevents me to eat more of the cupcakes. If only, there is fillings and they reduce the frosting sweetness. I will be 4 out of 5 cookies {{{(>_<)}}}
So yeah that is all folks! Time to say goodbye and until another Hello? (That is one awkward way to end the blog)…